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Gartner Digital Implementation Day

Pro členy energetické sekce zdarna


As enterprises face a digital business imperative, CIOs are in a solid position to lead the digital business transformation, and subsequently deliver required solutions. Enabling CIOs to do so, we will present the best and worst practices in driving businesses towards data-driven culture, a vital part of success in the digital business.

In addition to delivering business benefits with BI and analytics, CIOs globally are facing the need to move beyond a single way of delivering IT solutions. We will discuss the concept of bimodal IT and bimodal enterprise – or how to be digitally agile without making a mess.


Hotel Andel’s Prague

Stroupežnického 21, 150 00 Prague

 When: 15th June 2016

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08:30 – 09:00

Registration & welcome coffee

09:00 – 09:10

Welcome note

09:10 – 10:00

Analyst session – Alan Duncan, Research Director

Data-driven business: How Culture and Ethics can influence your success with Data and Analytics

Data and analytics are a vital for success in digital business. However, many business intelligence and analytics initiatives focus on the implementation of technology and fail to deliver tangible business benefits. The issues of data-driven culture also need to be addressed for success. In this session, Gartner Research Director Alan D. Duncan will ask:

·    What is “data-driven culture” & how does it drive business effectiveness?

·    What are the competencies needed for a data-driven success?

·    Why ethical considerations are vital to data and analytics

10:00 – 10:15

Questions & Answers

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 11:45

Analyst session – Simon Mingay, Research VP

Bimodal – Delivering on the Promise

At the heart of delivering a digital strategy is the need to increase the organizations capability to explore and innovate with digital technologies. Bimodal is an important approach to managing the uncertainties that come with that innovation and digital transformation. This session will explain what bimodal is and is not, how to get started and how to scale the bimodal capability.

·    What is bimodal and what isn’t it?

·    What are the risks and how are they mitigated?

·    How do you get the whole organization engaged and started?

·    How do you scale the bimodal capability?

11:45 – 12:00

Questions & Answers

12:00 – 13:00


13:00 – 13:30

Case study by Radek Moc, T-Mobile

Bi-Modal transformation does not end in Development – T-Mobile story

Bi-Modal transformation is a huge but needed change in IT culture, processes and IT architecture. During the presentation Radek Moc will share how Bi-Modal IT transformation was done in T-Mobile CZ and how T-Mobile is currently transforming the IT organization towards a DevOps approach. Based on the T-Mobile experience change of culture and company and IT processes brings outcomes faster than changing the technology and architecture.

13:30 – 14:00

Case study by Milan Hain, Raiffeisenbank

Digital (R)evolution in banking

Shift in customer demands, accelerated by shift of demographics, new competitors and technologies, record low interest rates- all challenges banks are facing these days. R(evolution) in banking is trying to show potential way how to address these disruptive changes, yet building on sthengths banks have today.

14:00 – 14:30

Case study

14:30 – 14:45

Closing by Alan Duncan, Research Director

14:45 – 15:30

Networking coffee break